I’m fully aware that for most people, hiring a personal stylist feels like something the 1% do, not something normal people do. But you don’t have to be walking a red carpet to need help. Anyone and everyone is allowed to want to feel better and more like themselves in their clothes.

Yes, I know it’s not cheap. So let's get really specific about money.

How much money have you spent on clothes that you wore once and then asked yourself "what was I thinking?"

How much have you spent on clothes that you never even took the tags off of because as soon as you got it home you realized you didn’t really like it but never got around to returning it because *maybe* you’d need it at some point?

How much have you spent on clothes that were a little tight in the dressing room but will fit as soon as you start being "good" again?

How much have you spent on Stitchfix items that you kept because you didn’t really love it but if you kept all the items you’d get a discount, so why not, maybe I’ll wear it? (spoiler alert: you won’t)

What’s your time worth?

How much time every morning do you spend trying on outfits until you find something that doesn’t feel awful?

How much time do you spend being overwhelmed by options when you do actually need to buy something?

How often does that overwhelm keep you from getting what would actually feel good to wear because it just feels like too much trouble?

How much time do you spend cleaning out your closet, or feeling like you need to clean out your closet and getting rid of all the stuff you bought?

What’s your mental state worth?

How much time have you spent feeling bad when you look in the closet and see clothes that are a size or two too small?

How much time and energy do you spend berating yourself for no longer being able to fit in them?

How much does it affect your day when you go to your closet and everything in there just feels "meh"?

How much time do you spend stressed out about your overstuffed closet that still somehow doesn’t have anything you want to wear in it?

What is it worth to feel good in your clothes? Like they were meant to fit your body, not that you needed to tailor your *body* to fit into them?

What would it be worth if you felt like your clothes were a true representation of what *you* actually want to wear, not what a "10 items every woman should have in her closet" listicle told you you should?

What if you felt empowered, no matter your size or shape (fruit anyone?), to wear the styles that you were drawn to aesthetically, not just the ones deemed flattering for you?

Now, let’s talk numbers.

In all the scenarios I listed above of clothing that doesn’t get worn, how much do you think that costs you per month? $20? $50? $100?

Multiply that by 12. Multiply that by the number of years you’ve been buying clothes.

Let’s say it’s just $20/month and you’re 30 years old and you’ve been buying your own clothes since you graduated from college at 22.

That’s $1920.

Maybe you’re older than 30, maybe you waste more than $20 a month on clothes you don’t wear, maybe you’ve been buying your own clothes since you were 16. That number goes up.

How many more years will you waste several hundred dollars a year on not knowing what works for you?


That’s another $2400.

I won’t even go into what could happen if you invested that money and earned a return on it!

Ok, so that’s the hard numbers on the clothes.

What about the time and mental energy?

What’s your time worth?

$20/hour? $50/hour? $100/hour?

Do you spend a few minutes a day or an hour or two every week stressing about clothes?

An hour a week at $20 an hour equals $1040 when multiplied by 52 weeks in a year.

How many years have you spent investing mental energy into worrying about what you wear? Ten? That’s $10,400.

How many more years will you spend trying to figure it out on your own?

Have I convinced you yet?

There’s a good chance I still haven’t, since as women we’re conditioned not to spend anything on ourselves that will make us feel good. We’re told we exist to help others, for the pleasure of others. But you do deserve to feel good in your clothes, in the body that you live in today.

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What if you could have an empathetic, loving, caring, kind guide to discovering all of that? Someone who wouldn't try to change you or improve you, but helped you get back to who you really are and gave you the tools to express that in your clothing? Someone who's also not perfect and wouldn't judge you? What would that be worth?

I offer a free 20-minute new client clarity call if you want to know more about how it can work for you.

If spending money on my services truly isn’t possible for you, I also have many, many low cost and free resources and videos available if you’re willing to put in the work on your own without my input. Regardless of size, shape, or budget, you deserve to have clothes you love that fit.