graphic with peach and rust colored arches that says “how intuitive eating informs my work”

CW: this post makes references to disordered eating and diet culture.

Why would I be writing about intuitive eating?

Intuitive Eating is about trusting your inner body wisdom to make choices around foods that feel good in your body, without judgment and without influence from diet culture. When we filter out the noise and influence that diet culture presents to us as false truths, we can then truly listen to what our body wants and needs from food

What if we replace “food” in that statement with “clothes”?

Intuitive (dressing) is about trusting your inner body wisdom to make choices around (clothes) that feel good on your body, without judgment and without influence from the (fashion industry). When we filter out the noise and influence that (ideal standards of beauty) present to us as false truths, we can then truly listen to what our body wants and needs from (our clothes).

Makes sense, right? The way that I like to apply this concept to the work I do is to help clients unpack the messages they’ve been given about what they should wear because of their body and instead listen to themselves and their bodies about what they want to wear.

When you follow an eating plan you see on the internet or in a magazine, you’re taking rules made by someone who has no idea of your actual needs and trying to superimpose it on your life. It’s no wonder 90+% of diets fail. When you do the same for clothing (listening to what someone who doesn’t know you, your body, or your lifestyle tells you to wear), the results are the same.


  • I don’t see your body as something flawed or to be concealed, but as a worthy being that is allowed to fully inhabit the space you take up.

  • I won't tell you how to dress, but I'll ask questions and guide you back to your authentic style inner wisdom.