I don't feel like I really slowed down at all this weekend. On Friday night, I went into my local Goodwill and saw this:​


​My heart skipped a beat, and then plumeted to the floor when I walked over and saw the "sold" sticker on this desk. However, I looked closely and the sale date on the receipt was May 7, right above where it said "purchases must be picked up within 24 hours". I went as soon as the store opened on Saturday, talked to the manager, and walked out with it 5 minutes later. You snooze, you lose! Don't mess with me when it comes to thrifting or midcentury modern, people!


​Ta-da!! And it was only $25!!

One of the items on my to-do list I'd been putting off was hemming the two new pairs of jeans, one pair of leggins, and one pair of my husband's jeans. He thought I should try to do an original hem instead of the usual fold-and-sew hem. I tried and it came out pretty well (just don't look too closely)!


​I also read this book (blog post coming soon), went to this concert, worked with a client who is turning her spare room into a closet (fun!) and saw some awesome tango dancing at the Ritz Carlton. How was your weekend?