In April and May, I felt a little gluttonous in terms of my shopping. I stayed within my budget ($200/month), but just felt as though I was buying a lot. I gave it a bit of a rest in June.  

Here's what I bought (from top left): two necklaces from Goodwill: $4.50 total; Michael Kors shibori tie-dye caftan top: $30 at TJ Maxx; necklace $6 at Savers; Michael Kors beaded maxi dress $50 secondhand at Women's Closet Exchange; necklace $7 at J.C.Penney. You guys know that I could pretty much wear only black, denim, and cool necklaces for the rest of my life, so I was excited about these thrifty finds. I also spent $49.50 on underwear and sleepwear (exciting, I know), for a grand total of $147. If you don't count the underwear (which, really, it's so not fun!), it was only $97.50! I'm really itching to invest in some quality pieces soon, so it's good that I stayed under budget to give me a bit more next month.


Of course, as always, there were a few try-and-returns. Next month is my birthday month and I am going to splurge a little on a gift for myself (subsidized by the husband), so I ordered this pouchette from Loeffler Randall and this Vince shift dress from Ebay. The pouchette was gorgeous, but I wanted something to use everyday and the snakeskin was a little too delicate. I still want this Vince dress, but it's sold out everywhere and the one I ordered from Ebay was too small. The hunt continues!

Check out Franziska's budget (my inspiration for this series), as well as the rest of the budgeting bloggers here

Here are my May and April budget posts. 

How did you do? 


P.S. Hey readers, have you liked the mindful closet Facebook page yet? You'll see all the posts right when they go up plus other interesting fashion tips I see around the blogosphere.  Go here!