Time for another round of posts I read that I loved (thanks again Mindy Kaling
for the title inspiration)! 

How amazing is that closet? Jen over at The Effortless Chic tapped style organizer Lisa Adams for her tips on bringing that glamourous feeling to your closet here.

Design for Mankind is an amazing blog which usually focuses on design, but Erin took some time to write about how clothing can sometimes make us feel bad, and why - here.

You know I'm kindof obsessed with simplifying and Bea over at Zero Waste Home is doing that to an extreme. We can't all reduce what we throw out to almost zilch, but we can enjoy her tips on how to wear a striped shirt (clearly another one of my obsessions) many different ways, in other words, reuse - here
(PS No Impact Man is a good documentary about the same topic.)

Lastly, I so wish I had the motivation to do this DIY via Stripes and Sequins, but alas, I know myself too well. But! This is an awesome necklace, so please, someone, make it!! 

That is all. Happy Monday!