Last week, I had the absolute honor of meeting up with four other bloggers (Liz, Alyssa, Lindsay , and Sara) at a dinner that Sara organized. It was the most amazing thing - we all write about very different things and all have pretty different lives/careers/families, but as soon as we sat down, conversation just took off and there were no topics (I mean, none!) that were off-limits. Of course, we could also talk about stats and social media methods and all that other stuff that no one else I know has any interest in. I had a great time and I'm looking forward to doing it again.

I wouldn't be a good fashion blogger if I didn't show you what I wore ;) 

I feel as though there's a lot of pressure to wear the perfect outfit when you meet people for the first time. Do you guys feel that way? You're trying to give an immediate impression of yourself that's accurate, yet approachable, yet that you feel comfortable in. No surprise this is what I ended up in: my staple Vince blouse, James Jeans, flea market necklace, and interesting shoes. Oh yeah, and I have another event tonight where I'll be meeting new people and I will most likely stick with this one again (sorry folk I'm meeting tonight!)

Do you have a go-to outfit for meeting new people? 


PS I'd love it if you'd follow mindful closet on facebook and twitter