This has been the summer of binge-watching TV series - House of Cards, Scandal, Orange is the New Black... and one that I'm not entirely proud of - Pretty Little Liars. It's a total guilty pleasure, about four high school aged girls trying to figure out who murdered their friend. Although it's mindless entertainment, it's pretty suspenseful and engaging. From a fashion perspesctive, it's fun, because costume designer Mandi Line has clearly enjoyed defining each of the four core characters' styles. 


From left, there's Emily Fields (played by Shay Mitchell), the sporty tomboy; Spencer Hastings (played by Troian Bellisario), the preppy debutante; Aria Montgomery (played by Lucy Hale), the punky artist; and Hanna Marin (played by Ashley Benson), the girly homecoming queen. I thought it would be fun to imagine what each characters' grown-up style would look like, so here goes: 


Emily's boyish style

Spencer's classic style

Aria's edgy style

Hanna's girly style


Do you watch the show? Did I get the girls' styles right? Which one are you most like?