I can't quite believe what I'm about to share on the internet. I guess the combination of being pregnant and having had this blog for a WHOLE YEAR (!! first post here) has helped me shed some inhibitions. So, let's talk about my belly button.

outie pregnant belly button

I haven't talked much about pregnancy (at least I hope I haven't!), unless it relates to fashion or getting dressed. In all things pregnancy, I have been extremely lucky - I basically have nothing to complain about save for a rough first trimester and the usual aches and pains. But this belly button issue has definitely made getting dressed harder. Basically, at about 12 weeks (I'm serious), my formerly "innie" belly button rebelled and went all "out". It ruins the lines of everything, people! If you think it doesn't look too bad in the photo above, here's the real deal:

It's making a run for it! I did some searching, and although it seems no one else has had this issue for as long as I have, there is a wonder product out there to solve it. The lovely people at Miss Oops have products to prevent all kinds of wardrobe malfunctions (not only for preggies) and they were kind enough to let me try out their Popper Stopper.

popper stopper

The Popper Stopper is a specially made adhesive band with a protective strip for your tender belly button and does a great job containing the rogue in question.  Although the package shows using the band horizontally, I used it vertically for maximum containment.

popper stopper review

I know it may seem like a small thing, but I was really self conscious about this! In the winter, I was wearing enough layers to do most of the hiding, but now that it's warmed up a bit, this makes me feel so much better.



On this particular day, I had been invited to a luncheon given by Connections to Success (Dress for Success St. Louis' parent organization) and needed to look quite a bit more professional than I've had to since my days in the office. I had just purchased this dress from Old Navy, and it came in handy for this occasion, and a few others since.

JC Penney necklace, Old Navy dress, old Banana Republic leather jacket, H&M Maternity tights, Nine West pumps (similar)

JC Penney necklace, Old Navy dress, old Banana Republic leather jacket, H&M Maternity tights, Nine West pumps (similar)

I'm excited to try out the other products Miss Oops sent me: the Disposable Petal Covers, the Rescue Sponge, the Shoulder Cushions, and the Sweater Shaver! Stay tuned for those.

Please tell me other preggies have dealt with this!