When I'm thrifting, I often see amazing patterned scarves that either too large or too stiff to wear comfortably around your neck. I also had the realization that some of my favorite tops (here and here) are basically just large silky squares with a neckhole. So, combine the availability of large scarves with my love for a simple shape, and I thought I could probably make a pretty cool top.

It's so easy, I'm not even sure a real tutorial is required. Basically, you find a large square scarf. Fold it in half and mark the center point (you can also do this by folding again, into quarters). Measure five inches or so along the fold to each side from the center point for the neck. Cut a very shallow dip for the neckline, too much and it will become too scooped and not boatneck. Fold and sew down the raw edges around the neckline and then make a seam halfway up each side, like so (my extremely technical drawing):

mindful closet st louis personal stylist: diy scarf top
mindful closet st louis personal stylist: diy scarf top

That's it!

Easy, right?! Let me know if you make one...

(wearing thrifted diy top, Target nursing tank, Gap jeans, Target sandals)