Yup, that's the best title I could come up with. I've been doing a bit of traveling and a lot of reading lately. Here are some of my favorites:



Wildflower by Drew Barrymore I am a bit of a celebrity gossip whore, so I would have read this book even if it was crap, but it wasn't. Famous or not, it's amazing how one person can reframe the shittiest events in their life as a positive learning experience. 

Unforgettable by Scott Simon Refreshing to read a memoir from a son who loved and adored his mother despite her failings and his unconventional childhood. Gives me hope ;)

The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl Hilarious, even though it gave me uncomfortable flashbacks to seventh grade. 

Living Well Spending Less by Ruth Soukup Great personal finance and home-keeping tips from someone who is aware that she struggles to resist consumerism.

Spark Joy by Marie Kondo Of course, I was super-excited for Marie Kondo's second book to come out, but I was a little disappointed. This is supposed to be the practical logistical partner to The Life Changing Magic of Tidying-up, but I found it to be mostly common sense, nothing too new or helpful. 

Purity by Jonathan Franzen I honestly haven't checked out any reviews of this to see how it was received, but I found the protagonist interesting and enjoyed what some might say are convenient coincidences in the plot. 

Dinner: a Love Story by Jenny Rosenstrach Meal planning and cooking at home are an ongoing struggle for me. While some might think that writing down every meal you eat for years is insane, I get it and loved the insights gained from it. 

Everything That Remains by Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus I love everything minimalist and follow these guys on the web, but for some reason, was expecting not to like this book. It's surprisingly relatable and well written and I really enjoyed it!

When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi I get emotional just thinking about this book. If you haven't heard about it, it's the writings of a young husband and father contemplating his quickly approaching death. Unforgettable.

Any other good recommendations for me?