This project has been in the works for a while and I'm excited to finally announce it to you! I've partnered with Alecia Hoyt, photographer at XOXO Alice, to bring you an amazing Mother's Day giveaway. We both spend our days helping women feel amazing in their own skin (me, with clothes on, Alecia, with clothes off!) To celebrate Mother’s Day and all of the incredible moms we know, we are offering a complete wardrobe makeover followed up by personal fashion photoshoot with professional hair and makeup. 

I'll be in charge of the wardrobe makeover, which will include multiple sessions:

  • Three hour style diagnosis and closet cleanse 
  • Three hour personal shopping session
  • One hour of personal styling 

Alecia will work with the winner on an awesome, personalized, fashion inspired photoshoot including:

  • Professional hair and makeup
  • Photoshoot to show off your new outfits, approximately 60 minutes
  • 15 fully edited digital images
  • Taking place in one day in her 1400 square foot photography studio in Benton Park

This prize is worth $2000, but we are giving it away to one deserving mom, based on YOUR nominations. We get to help a woman completely transform her life, feel fabulous, and have the photographs to prove it. You get to follow along on her journey and see the transformation!

(photo courtesy of XOXO Alice)

(photo courtesy of XOXO Alice)

Here's what you need to do to nominate someone to win:

  • follow mindful closet and XOXO Alice on Facebook AND Instagram (mindful closetXOXO Alice
  • Email and with your nomination and a photo of the person you're nominating. Make sure to CC both of us on the email!
  • Tell us why she deserves this special treatment. We love a good story. Please attach a photograph of the woman you are nominating, and include her full name, email, phone number, and FB profile link. The nominee MUST be active on Facebook - please include a link to her profile. Keep in mind, she will be required to sign a release to allow us to share her story and photographs - make sure whoever you are nominating is comfortable with that.
  • We will read all of your nominations, narrow down the finalists, and share their images and stories on our social media pages.
  • Deadline to email a nomination is April 22nd, 2016. We will choose the finalists and have them posted for you all the week of April 25th. Final winner will be announced on Mother’s Day!

The fine print:

  • winner must be available to schedule sessions during business hours (M-F, 9-5)
  • winner must agree to release images for use by mindful closet and XOXO Alice
  • cost of clothing purchased during personal shopping session is not included

So get out there and nominate someone! If YOU want to be nominated, make sure to share this post! Good luck!