Hey, long time, no blog. Things got so hectic around here that my mom actually came into town to help with childcare. One added bonus of that is that all of a sudden, we had a babysitter and were able to have some nights out! 

equipment silk dress mindful closet

This dress was a gift from my husband for our anniversary last year (fourth anniversary = silk/linen). And yes, I do pick out my own gifts. ;) I love that it's a simple base for cool jewelry, (like this necklace from Blush Boutique), but I will probably eventually get it hemmed evenly to make it a more classic look. 

mindful closet: african mud cloth dress

The weather this spring has been cooler than usual, which has been nice. I wore this when we met some friends at Old Standard (great vibe, decent food). I'll be honest, this dress/tunic/thingie is always on the chopping block for me. I last wore it here (and loved it), but for non-fashion-crowd events, it always seems like a little much. Maybe I'll chop it down even more and make a top? Thoughts?

Anyway, I have been taking outfit photos and saving ideas for posts, so hopefully I can get back to regularly scheduled programming soon!