What do you think? Do you deserve clothes that fit? I’m going to assume that you answered yes to that question. If not, shoot me an email and let’s really talk. But even if you answered that yes, you deserve clothes that fit, have you actually purchased them for yourself? Or are you still telling yourself that you’ll get them when: you lose 5 pounds/you no longer have a two-year-old/you go back to work?

virtual remote authentic personal stylist

In the meantime, are you forced to keep wearing the things that don’t fit? How do they make you feel? Bad about yourself? Physically uncomfortable when something is digging into your flesh? Nothing like how you’d like to feel? 

I just got off of a mini-session with someone who’s followed me for years (wow, that feels icky to say, but she’s been someone with whom I’ve had conversations with on social media and who’s attended my workshops), so she knows my feelings and philosophies on clothes. And yet, she hasn’t put any of them into practice for herself (but of course her child has all the clothes he needs). 

Her body has changed after having a baby and managing a chronic illness. Any time she thought about buying new clothes, she’d just say "why bother?" She said she honestly didn’t have any clothes she liked. This has been the situation for FOUR YEARS. 

Here’s the *real* bombshell. 

You deserve to have clothes that fit you AND that you like. 

There was a time when just finding something that fit was hard, and I get that. But there are options in all budget ranges now. If you are settling for something just because it fits, but you feel pretty "meh" about it otherwise, YOU DESERVE MORE FROM YOUR CLOTHES. 

Of course, I know it also requires time, money, effort, and capacity to make sure you have this. I know it's not easy. But if you don’t have clothes that fit that you actually like, ask yourself whether you really think you deserve them or not.

P.S. Do your kids deserve clothes that fit or do you force them to wear stuff they’ve outgrown? Yeah, I thought so. I talked about this specifically in regards to moms on The Mom Hour Podcast recently. Check out the episode here, and here's another podcast I was on recently, We're Not Weighting, episode 79. 

P.P.S. The Making Space program went on sale to the early access list this morning. You can get a $50 discount by signing up before Friday and using the code WAITLIST.